Summit Vista Homeowner Association
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ACC Submissions
Architectural Control Committee
​This committee is responsible for enforcement of HOA rules and laws pertaining to site improvements of properties.

The ACC committee is appointed by the Board of Directors to review and approve plans for exterior alterations.  

Members need to be well-versed in the rules and regulations for the Summit Vista Homeowners Association, and must be able to apply the rights and restrictions with an unbiased hand.

Current responsibilities of the committee include reviewing ACC applications, responding in a timely manner, following up on member projects, and verifying that they are completed as planned. One member also must attend the Board Meeting or submit an update of progress, issues, changes or concerns.

Future duties may include following a schedule for periodic assessments of the subdivision and noting violations and contacting SVHA homeowners regarding any violations relating to the ACC rules when necessary. Please review CCRs and Bylaws for regulations in place for Summit Vista.
Step 1:
Fill out the application
Homeowner Application

Step 2:
Email application to
Jay, Jon, and Jack :

Step 3:
ACC Board fills out this form:  Board Form
*The application is designed for the benefit of all HOA members, to help upgrade and improve our personal property, our investment, and our neighborhood. To remain consistent in our approach to all construction, and changes to the physical property. If work or maintenance is not identical to what you currently have regarding size, color, materials, or anything thereof you must initiate this application.

*For landscape applications the HOA membership are concerned with height, size and proximity to structures and lot lines. This process is determined for the consideration of our neighbors and investments.

*All construction or landscaping that is undertaken pursuant to this application shall be in full compliance with the covenants, conditions, restrictions and design control guidelines of the Summit Vista HOA. It is the owner's responsibility to comply with all local, county, and state government requirements but not limited to survey and lot line confirmation and construction permits.

*Approvals within this application shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. In the event work is not completed within a one year period, approvals within this application will become invalid and the applicant must request an extension or reapply, however additional conditions may exist.

*If approval or denial is not returned to the applicant within 30 days of being received by the first Architectural Control Committee member, the applicant may consider the work approved by the Summit Vista Architectural Control Committee, (refer to CCR 4.3) but all local, county, and state requirements must be met.

**Important note - Plans for additions and decks must have an attached site plan showing the building envelope with the footprint of the existing building and the proposed new addition and/or decks.


*CCR 4.1 - Restrictions: no building, storage structure, awning, landscaping, or fence shall be erected, placed, or altered (including color thereof) on any lot until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, and location of such have been submitted to be approved in writing as to the quality of workmanship and materials, and conformity and harmony of exterior design with existing structures and as to location with respect to existing buildings, topography, and finished ground elevation by the Committee, nor shall interior changes in a dwelling unit of a structural nature or any modification of a party wall be permitted prior to the approval of the committee.

*CCR4.2 - Building permit. No application for a building permit to the applicable governmental entity shall be made prior to receipt of approval of plans by the committee.

*CCR 4.3 - If the committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within 30 days after said plans and specifications have been submitted in writing and received by the Association for considering by the committee, such approval will be deemed to have been given. Upon approval, the committee shall cause to be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, a notice of approval for the design and location on a specific lot. The approval shall be for the term of one year. If the improvements on the lot have not been completed prior to that time, then approval shall expire, unless an extension of time to complete the improvements is granted by the committee.

In the event that the committee shall disapprove any such design or location, then the aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the committee at the next annual meeting of the Association, or at a special meeting duly called. At such meeting, a vote of at least 66% of the owners entitled to vote at the meeting shall be required to amend the decision of the committee.