Summit Vista Homeowner Association
Contact us at
HomePaymentsCCRs and BylawsBoardACC

Welcome to the neighborhood!!
Summit Vista HOA
If you are new to our neighborhood, please sign up for our HOA email list.


Summit Vista Homeowners Association was created in 1985 and is located between Basalt and Carbondale in Colorado.  We hope our neighborhood reflects the pride and sense of ownership each homeowner has for their home.  

Our CCRs and ByLaws were created to help maintain the integrity and beauty of the neighborhood.  The Board consists of homeowners who are interested in maintaining high standards for the neighborhood.


Community Resources:
Senior Care and Assisted Living Guide            Assisted Living in Colorado is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones.


Summit Vista HOA
P.O. Box 2682
Basalt, CO 81621

For more information please:
Contact Us